Type: Book chapters

  • China


    Author: Yahong Li
    In: Lionel Bently (eds), International Copyright Law and Practices, (LexisNexis, 2015 and 2016), p. 110

  • Anti-Corruption Law and Enforcement in Hong Kong: Keeping it Clean

    Author: Michael Jackson

    In: Jiaxing Hu & Matthias Vanhullebusch (eds), Finance, Rule of Law and Development in Asia: Perspectives from Singapore, Hong Kong and Mainland China (Brill Academic Publishers, 2016)

  • Strict Liability

    Author: Michael Jackson

    In: Bokhary NPJ … (eds), Archbold Hong Kong: Crminal Pleading, Evidence and Practice (Hong Kong: Sweet & Maxwell Asia, 2016), chapter 18

  • Integrity, immunity and accomplice witness testimony

    Author: Michael Jackson

    In: Jill Hunter & Paul Roberts (eds), The Integrity of Criminal Process: From Theory into Practice: From Theory into Practice (Portland, Oregon: Hart Publishing, 2016), p. 199-223.

  • Anti-Dilution Protection of Luxury Brands in the Global Economy

    Author: Haochen Sun

    In: Christophe Geiger, Research Handbook on Human Rights and Intellectual Property (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2015), p. 407.

  • The Diversity of Interests in the Trademark Protection of Luxury Brands

    Author: Haochen Sun
    In: Irene Calboli & Srividhya Ragavan, Diversity in Intellectual Property: Identities, Interests, and Intersections (Cambridge University Press, 2015), p. 426-449.

  • Microbloggers’ Battle for Legal Justice in China

    Author: Anne Cheung

    In: Jacques deLisle& Avery Goldstein (eds), The Internet, Social Media, and a Changing China (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016), p.129.

  • Legal Issues in China’s Future Participation in the Space Protocol to the Cape Town Convention


    Author: Zhao Yun

    In: Patricia Margaret Sterns & Leslie I. Tennen (eds.), Private Law, Public Law, Metalaw and Public Policy in Space (Springer, 2016), p. 67.

  • Domain Name Dispute Resolution and Its Future Development 域名纠纷的解决及其未来发展


    Author: Zhao Yun

    In: Resolution of Public Disputes and Rights Protection in Comparative Perspective: UK-China Comparative Public Law Symposium (China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2015), p. 41.

  • The Ethical Responsibilities of Luxury Companies and Consumers


    Author: Haochen Sun, Barton Beebe & Madhavi Sunder (Eds.)
    Published in: The Luxury Economy and Intellectual Property: Critical Reflections, p. 225-247. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2015.

  • Defaming by Suggestion: Searching for Search Engine Liability in the Autocomplete Era

    Author: Anne Cheung
    In Koltay, A (Ed.), Comparative Perspectives on the Fundamental Freedom of Expression, p. 467-486. Budapest: Wolters Kluwer, 2015

  • Internet Regulation

    Co-authors: Zhao, Yun & Cheung, S. Y. Anne
    In: Ashley Esarey & Randy Kluver (Eds.), The Internet in China: cultural, political, and social dimensions, 1980s-2000s, p. 91-98

  • Re-Personalizing Personal Data in the Cloud

    Co-authors: Anne Cheung & Rolf Weber
    Published in: Privacy and Legal Issues in Cloud Computing, pp. 69-95. UK: Edward Elgar (2015).

  • Introduction of Competition and Environmental Regulation in the Electricity Sector

    Co-authors: Thomas Cheng & J. Lin

    Published in Hong Kong, World Competition: law and economics review, Kluwer Law International, v. 37 n. 4, p. 569-600. 2014.

  • Trade Associations and Cartel Conduct under the New Hong Kong Competition Law Regime: An Enforcement Priority for the Competition Commission?

    Author: Thomas Cheng
    Published in: Sandra Marco Colino & Burton Ong (Eds.), Cartels in Asia: Law & Practice, p. 295-314. Hong Kong: Wolters Kluwer Hong Kong Limited, 2015.

  • Abuse of Administrative Monopoly in China

    Author: Thomas Cheng

    Published in Drexl, J & Bagnoli, V (eds.), State-Initiated Restraints of Competition, p. 135-165. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2015.

  • Freedom of Information in China? The Paradox of Access to Information in a Closed Regime

    Author: Dr. Yongxi Chen
    Published in: John Mair and Tom Felle (eds.), FOI Ten Years on: Freedom Fighting or Lazy Journalism? pp. 272-278. UK: Abramis Academic Publishing, 2015.

  • Bills of Lading

    Author: Felix W. H. Chan
    Published in Shipping and Logistics Law: Principles and Practice in Hong Kong (2nd ed.), p. 145-189. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2015.