Silver Strand Promotional Ambassador – Community Legal Education Programme for the Elderly
Knowledge Exchange (KE) Funding Exercise 2023/24
Prof. Benjamin Kao interviewed on use of AI in social context
Online interview on use of AI tools, their benefits and downsides.
Article on AI-CLIC project published in AI & Law Journal
“Bringing Legal Knowledge to the Public by Constructing a Legal Question Bank Using Large-scale Pre-trained Language Model”, Artificial Intelligence and Law (AI and Law) Journal, Springer Netherlands, Volume 31, Issue 2, p. 1-37, July 2023.
HKLII Migration Notice
“Free Access to Law Movement: HKLII 2023” campaign
Accountability in Algorithm-assisted Sanctions: Public Law Scrutiny of China’s Social Credit System
Research project funded by General Research Fund (GRF), PI: Clement Chen.
Promoting Creative and Ethical Use of Copyright Works in Education
KE Impact Project Grant (2019 – 2020)
Artificial Intelligence for Legal Services: Sentencing Wizard on Drug Trafficking
Interdisciplinary Knowledge Exchange (KE) Project Fund (2019 – 2021)
Intellectual Property and the Public Interest
HKU Faculty Knowledge Exchange (KE) Award (2020-2021)
Building a Robust Trademark Fair Use Mechanism in China
Research project funded by General Research Fund (GRF), PI: Haochen Sun.
Anti-Monopoly Law Enforcement in China
Research project funded by General Research Fund (GRF), PI: Thomas Cheng.
Open Government Data Licence in Hong Kong 香港開放政府資料特許之研究
Co-investigator: Dr. Yahong Li (HKU).
Funded by Research Grants Council (RGC) General Research Fund.
Reforming Trademark Fair Use in China: Lessons from the European Union and the United States
Principal Investigator: Haochen Sun
Funded by Seed Fund for Basic Research for Resubmission of GRF/ECS Proposals.
Patent Landscapes: A Multiplex Approach to Solving the Prior Art Problem
Principal Investigator: Dr. Ryan Whalen
Funded by Seed Fund for Basic Research. Project started from October 2017 for 1 year.
Tackling Cyberbullying by Enhancing Privacy Protection: A Comparative and an Interdisciplinary Study (面對網上欺凌,加強私隱保護:比較與跨學科研究)
Research Project funded by GRF, led by Professor Anne Cheung (PI).
Digital China, from cultural presence to innovative nation
A 4-year project led by Co-Principal Investigators: Dr. Yahong Li and others
Buyer Power under Competition Law: A Theoretical Examination and a Case Study of Hong Kong (競爭法與買方權勢:從理論和香港方面探討)
Research project funded by GRF, led by Kelvin Kwok (PI) and Thomas Cheng (co-investigator).
Harmony, Identity, and Governance: Evaluating China’s Social Credit System
Research project led by Dr. Marcelo Thompson (PI).
Analysis of Intellectual Property Licence Refusals under the Chinese Anti-Monopoly Law
Research project led by Kelvin Kwok (PI).
Joint-research project: “Prosumerism and Intellectual Property”
Research project led by Dr. Yahong Li (one of co-PIs).
Freedom of information and privacy protection in China: resolving conflicts and promoting accountability