Lin Yang
PhD (HKU), Faculty of Law; research fields: Internet Law, dispute resolution, legal development
Mr. LIN Yang, graduated from Shantou University (LLB) and SOAS, University of London (LLM), studied his PhD degree at HKU under supervision of Professor Zhao Yun. His research mainly focuses on E-commerce Law, Dispute Resolution and internet governance. He also has a wide range of interest area, such as environmental law, consumer protection law, international public law and comparative law. He has more than ten years’ experience in the area of online shopping, successfully solved several disputes raised in E-commerce areas.
As a participator in the past, He is also interested in many moot court competitions, like Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition and Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot.
Fields of study: Internet Law, Dispute Resolution, Legal Development