Cai Wanli 蔡万里

Associate Professor, Institute of Liberal Arts and Science, Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan

Dr. Wanli CAI is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Liberal Arts and Science, Toyohashi University of Technology in Japan. He is also a Visiting Researcher at the Research Center for the Legal System of Intellectual Property (RCLIP) in Waseda University and a member of the Intellectual Property Association of Japan (IPAJ), the Japan Association of Industrial Property Law (JAIPL).

He obtained a Ph.D in Law from Waseda University in 2015, a Master Degree in Law from Tsinghua University in 2009, and a Bachelor Degree in Engineering from North China University of Technology in 2003. He visited the Center for Advanced Study and Research on Innovation Policy (CASRIP) at the University of Washington in 2013, the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in 2017, and the Queens College of City University of New York (QCNY) in 2018 as a visiting researcher.

His research interests include infringement issues over information networks, the Standard-Essential Patent (SEP) and the comparative study on the IP law between China and Japan. He has been participating in the compilation of the Intellectual Property Law Annual Report, published by the Nippon Hyoron Sha Co., LTD from the year 2016 until now.

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  • Associate Professor, Institute of Liberal Arts and Science, Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan