Privacy and Innovation (In Pursuit of Right Incentives)
Date: June 8-9, 2015
Venue: Academic Conference Room, 11/F, Cheng Yu Tung Tower, The University of Hong Kong
Co-organizers: Institute for Information Law (IViR), University of Amsterdam and Internet Society Hong Kong.
Sponsors: Microsoft and Google.
DAY 1 | 8 June 2015, Monday
- Michael Hor, Professor, Dean of Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong
- Paul Cheung, Associate Vice-President (Research), Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Hong Kong
- Nicholas Yang, Innovation & Technology Adviser to the Chief Executive, Member of the Executive Council, HKSAR
- Winnie Yeung, Director, Legal & Corporate Affairs, Microsoft Hong Kong
Keynote: Peter Fleischer, Global Privacy Counsel, Google, Privacy in an Age of Data-Driven Innovation
Keynote: Kristina Irion, Marie Currie Fellow, Institute for Information Law (IViR), University of Amsterdam, EU Data Protection and Consumer Cloud Computing
Panel 1: Privacy & Global Information Flows
Chair: Anne Cheung, Professor of Law, Director of LLM ITIP Law Program, The University of Hong Kong
- KP Chow, Associate Professor, Director, Law and Technology Centre, The University of Hong Kong, The Majority Report – Mining “Big Opinion” on the Web
- Frederik Borgesius, Research Fellow, Institute for Information Law (IViR), University of Amsterdam, Improving Privacy Protection in the Area of Behavioural Targeting
- Robert Tibbo, Barrister-at-Law, Eastern Chambers, Surveillance, Whistleblowing and Innovation
- Charles Mok, Legislative Councillor (Information Technology), Balancing Privacy, Security and Innovation
DAY 2 | 9 June 2015, Tuesday
Keynote: Allan Chiang, Hong Kong Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Privacy Ramifications of Big Data
Keynote: Laura Lemire, Privacy and Security Attorney, Microsoft, Privacy Innovations Helping Organizations Embrace the Cloud with Greater Confidence
Panel 2: Privacy & Accountability
Chair: Zhao Yun, Professor of Law, Director of Centre for Chinese Law, The University of Hong Kong
- Timothy Pilgrim, Australia Privacy Commissioner, Accountability and Privacy Governance Mechanisms – An Australian Perspective
- Mark Parsons, Partner, Hogan Lovells (Head of the TMT practice in Asia), Accountability in Asia: A Compliance Tool or Something More?
- Rolf H. Weber, Chair Professor of European Business Law, University of Zurich, New Business Orientation of Data Protection Design
- Michael Geist, Canada Research Chair in Internet & e-Commerce Law, University of Ottawa, Accounting for Accountability: A Canadian Perspective
- Fred H Cate, Distinguished Professor & C. Ben Dutton Professor of Law, Indiana University, Limits of Notice and Choice
Panel 3: Privacy, Expression & Creativity
Chair: Felix Chan, Associate Professor of Law, The University of Hong Kong
- John Bacon-Shone, Professor, Associate Dean (Knowledge Exchange), Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong, Reframing “the Right to be Forgotten” as “the Right to be Rehabilitated”
- Marcelo Thompson, Assistant Professor of Law, Deputy Director, Law and Technology Centre, The University of Hong Kong, Who is a Data Controller? Effort, Accountability and Indeterminacy
- Clement Chen, Post-Doctorate Fellow in Privacy Law, The University of Hong Kong, The Fusion of Online and Offline Identities in China? Privacy Challenges of The System(s) of Citizen Social Credit Rating
- David O’Brien, Policy Researcher, Berkman Center for Internet & Society, Harvard University, Privacy as an Enabler of Creativity and Innovation
- Chester Soong, Chairman, Internet Society Hong Kong, What would privacy protection bring for tech start-ups: Barrier or catalyst for innovation?
- Glacier Kwong, Student, Spokesperson of the Keyboard Frontline, The University of Hong Kong, Who’s Got Your Back on the Internet
Round Table: Freedom to Innovate: The Market Perspective
Chair: Michael Jackson, Associate Professor of Law, The University of Hong Kong
- Fred H Cate, Distinguished Professor & C. Ben Dutton Professor of Law, Indiana University
- Michael Geist, Canada Research Chair in Internet & e-Commerce Law, University of Ottawa
- Kristina Irion, Marie Currie Fellow, Institute for Information Law (IViR), University of Amsterdam
- Laura Lemire, Privacy and Security Attorney, Microsoft
- Rolf H Weber, Chair Professor of European Business Law, University of Zurich
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