New book by Zhao Yun: International Governance and the Rule of Law in China under the Belt and Road Initiative
International Governance and the Rule of Law in China under the Belt and Road Initiative
Edited by Yun Zhao
Cambridge University Press
September 2018, 330 pp.
Book description: The edited volume aims at examining China’s role in the field of international governance and the rule of law under the Belt and Road Initiative from a holistic manner. It seeks alternative analytical frameworks that not only take into account legal ideologies and legal ideals, but also local demand, socio-political circumstances, to explain and understand China’s legal interactions with countries along the Road, so that more useful insights can be produced in predicting and analysing China’s as well as other emerging Asian countries’ legal future. Authors from Germany, Korea, Singapore, Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong have contributed to this edited volume, which produces academic dialogues and conducts intellectual exchanges in specific sub-themes.