HKU-CS Online Tech Forum and Discussion: The Consultation Paper on Cyber-Dependent Crimes and Jurisdictional Issues
Hosted by the FinTech Academy, HKU Department of Computer Science
Date: September 14, 2022 (Wednesday)
Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm (HK Time)
Format: Online Zoom, free registration
The Consultation Paper on Cyber-Dependent Crimes and Jurisdictional Issues was published by the Cybercrime Sub-committee of the Law Reform Commission on July 20, 2022. The purpose of the consultation paper is to make preliminary proposals for law reform on addressing the issues of the protection of individuals’ rights as well as the criminal activities carried out by the rapid developments of information technology, the computer and the internet.
Why this Tech Forum and Discussion
The five cyber-dependent crimes mentioned in the consultancy paper will have impacts on both the industry (the practitioners) and the educators in the area of cyber security. One of the major purposes of the forum is to provide a platform for the stakeholders to provide comments, views, opinions and/or concerns on this consultancy paper and discuss further how to get a good balance between stopping cyber-dependent crimes while allowing the industry and the universities to nurture our next generations of white hackers for the community. The target participants of the forum are for the IT technology (especially in cyber security) industry and related stakeholders in Hong Kong. Q&A section will be arranged for participants to share views, opinions and/ or concerns.
The Agenda
- Opening Remarks
- Brief Introduction – The Purpose of this Forum
- Brief Introduction – The Consultation Paper
- Q&A Session
- Closing Remarks
Please register as soon as possible at