Belt & Road, China Manufacturing and Successful IP Strategies in Light of the US-China Trade Dispute

Date: Thursday, October 31, 2019
Time: 1pm – 2pm
Venue: Room 824, 8/F Cheng Yu Tung Tower, The University of Hong Kong Venue changed to Academic Conference Room, 11/F Cheng Yu Tung Tower, The University of Hong Kong

Speaker: Elliot Papageorgiou (Co-Chair of University of St. Gallen MBL Programme – Shanghai Module; Senior Partner, Head of Intellectual Property Group – China, Clyde & Co)

Abstract: How can IP play a role to maximise your opportunities while managing the risks arising from the Belt & Road Initiative and ‘China Manufacturing Initiative 2025-50’ (China Manufacturing) especially in light of the ongoing US-China Trade Disputes?

China’s Belt and Road Initiative is the most ambitious and significant economic project in the world today. The Belt and Road Initiative currently spans more than 65 countries, representing over 65 per cent of the world’s population and a third of global GDP. The Belt and Road Initiative is redrawing the global trade, infrastructure and logistics landscape; and of course also the IP landscape.

Elliot will discuss the changing business landscape in the context of China’s Belt and Road Initiative and China Manufacturing, to discover the challenges and opportunities for multinational enterprises in today’s intellectual property environment in China; and to discuss how to optimize IP strategies for the Belt and Road Initiative, China Manufacturing, and the volatile trade conditions, while equipping businesses for this somewhat uncertain future of trade.

About the speaker:

Elliot has been advising on China IP matters for the last 15 years from Beijing, Guangzhou and now from Shanghai. He represents a number of Fortune 500 companies and other MNCs on China IP litigation and especially Patent litigation. His client briefs include developing IP strategies for one of Europe’s largest VC funds, for global automotive technology companies, global engineering and manufacturing conglomerates, as well as some of Europe’s best-known FCMG and jewellery brands. He holds seminars on China IP strategies for a number of leading universities including UCLA, Buffalo, Georgia Tech. and the University of Minnesota, and is the current Co-Chair as well as Lecturer in the University of St. Gallen – Fudan University – Master of Business Law programme’s Shanghai Module.

All are welcome!
